• 413-529-7178
  • info@hilltowncharter.org
  • Hilltown Cooperative Charter Public School, Easthampton, MA 01027
  • The Co-op


    Hilltown is structured as a volunteer parent cooperative. Parental involvement is an essential factor in the school, both because of the belief that education is enhanced by strengthening the ties between school and home and because of the limited operating budget created by the small size of the student body. Parent contributions not only help us to keep costs down, but allow a flexibility, richness and diversity in the school which we might otherwise not achieve.
    Parents become members of the coop and are eligible to vote at the cooperative’s annual meeting and to elect the school’s Board of Trustees. Parent representatives serve on the major decision-making bodies of the school (the Management Team and the Board of Trustees) and on many policy-making committees.
    Parents are strongly encouraged to volunteer in order to become more actively involved in their children’s educational environment and for the good of the school as a whole. The ways in which parents can contribute are as varied as their skills and interests as you can tell by looking at the volunteer form that all parents are asked to fill out by the first day of school. They may work on subcommittees of the Board of Trustees or school task groups defined by the Management Team, volunteer to work with particular teachers either in the classroom or at home, contribute to building and maintenance projects, or help with administrative duties from their homes. The Community Coordinator is available at the school to help parents find ways to contribute.