• 413-529-7178
  • info@hilltowncharter.org
  • Hilltown Cooperative Charter Public School, Easthampton, MA 01027
  • Board of Trustees

    The Board of Trustees holds the school’s charter from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and is responsible for the school’s overarching philosophies, direction and policies. The BoT is accountable for all legal and fiscal matters affecting the school, including the hiring of Directors, and approving the lease, the annual budget and organizational and personnel policy decisions. The BoT makes decisions using a consensus model.

    Members of the HCCPS community (parents, caregivers, staff) elect Trustees at the Annual Meeting in the late spring. Board members who are parents/primary caregivers serve 3-year terms, and serve on committees. Board members who are staff or community members serve 2-year terms, and are strongly encouraged to serve on committees. Committees also include non-board members, including parents, community members and staff.

    In addition to the Trustees, the school Directors and Community & Family Engagement Coordinator (CFEC) participate in all meetings, but they aren’t involved in the voting process (consensus model).

    Schedules of Board meetings, minutes and agendas and are available for review on the school website (see Meeting Schedule & Minutes tab above.) Agendas are also posted on the school bulletin board.

    Board of Trustees Meetings are typically held at HCCPS, 1 Industrial Parkway, Easthampton on the second Wednesday of every month at 6:30 pm, but please check the Hilltown calendar or postings on the BoT Meetings & Minutes page to confirm. At present, meetings are held in a hybrid model, in-person and via Zoom. The public is welcome and encouraged to attend.

    Interested in Joining the Board? We value different perspectives and experiences, and continually strive to create an inclusive and diverse BoT.

    Details, including an outline of the joining process and the interest form, are included in the Board Interest Packet. Please complete the interest form electronically, or print and complete the form. A hard copy can also be provided by Tiffany Ross, Community & Family Engagment Coordinator, upon request.

    Interested in Joining a Committee (you don’t have to be a board member!)? This is a great way to learn about the board, and be involved in school operations. Please connect directly with the Chair of the committee you are interested in joining, listed under the ‘Board Members’ tab.

    2024-25 Board Members

    Administrators who attend all meetings:

    • Chris Kusek, Administration (Domain Council, Finance Committee Member)
    • Rebecca Belcher-Timme, Teaching and Learning (Domain Council, Personnel Committee Member)

    Friends of Hilltown Liason: Lori Peliccia and Juno Temple

    SEPAC Liason: Cayla Doran

    2024-2025 Meeting Schedule & Minutes

    Board of Trustees meetings are held at the school 1 Industrial Parkway, Easthampton and can be accessed by Zoom from the posted link.  The public is welcome to attend. These meetings are typically scheduled for the second Wednesday of the month at 6:30 pm, but please check the Hilltown calendar or listings below to confirm.

    Approved minutes for committee meetings can be found in the Board of Trustees meeting packet for the following month (e.g. approved minutes for April are available in the May packet)

    Minutes and other documents from previous years’ Board meetings are available on the Board of Trustees Meeting Archive page.

    July 2024

    September 2024

    October 2024

    November 2024

    December 2024

    January 2025

    The following four committees meet independently around specialized concerns and report back to the larger Board of Trustees. See below for more detailed information about the purpose and responsibilties of each committee.

    The Governance and Board Sustainability Committee

    A Standing Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Hilltown Cooperative Charter Public School

    Committee Description Revised July 2016

    Purpose: The purpose of the Governance and Board Sustainability Committee (GABS) is to ensure that the governance of the Hilltown Cooperative Charter Public School is functioning smoothly and in compliance with state law and to ensure the sustainability of the board through recruitment and succession planning for officers and committee chairs.

    Responsibilities and Goals:

    1. Recruit Board of Trustees members and assist with recruitment of board committee members.
    2. Provide orientation and training to board members.
    3. Ensure adherence to and assess any need for and propose changes to the by-laws.
    4. Ensure that the Board of Trustees Resource Notebook is maintained both digitally and on paper.
    5. Monitor the progress of the implementation of the Long Range Plan.
    6. Make sure the members of the Board of Trustees and their committees are known to the school community and that their roles and responsibilities are clear.
    7. Maintain records of GABS meetings and provide monthly reports to the Board of Trustees.

    The Finance Committee

    A Standing Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Hilltown Cooperative Charter Public School

    Committee Description Revised March 2016

    Purpose: The purpose of the finance committee is to make recommendations to the Board of Trustees on any school matters of financial substance and to review and recommend action to the Board of Trustees on any loans.

    Responsibilities and goals:


    1. Review Budget Projections
    2. Review Financial Statements
    3. Approve quarterly budgets, review revisions
    4. Recommend any changes or modifications to drafts of budgets for Board of Trustees approval
    5. Approve budgets for fiscal viability and recommend to the Board of Trustees for action
    6. Appoint a member to review bank statements and other documents periodically in order to provide some check on the administrator’s financial management

    Annual Audit:

    1. Participate in the Acceptance process of audited financial statements
    2. Recommend board action on annual fiscal audit
    3. Oversee implementation of audit recommendations from auditor
    4. Assure compliance with any changes to reporting regulatory or accounting standards


    1. Maintain minutes of proceedings so that a record is available concerning the decision-making process

    The Personnel Committee

    A Standing Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Hilltown Cooperative Charter Public School

    Committee Description Revised February 2016

    Purpose: The purpose of the personnel committee is to develop and apply policies related to hiring staff and managing the conditions of employment in ways that fit with the school’s charter and mission.

    Responsibilities and goals:

    1. Research relevant issues and make recommendations to the Board on possible resolution
    2. Investigate ways to improve the working conditions of staff to encourage good morale and limit staff turnover, within the practical constraints that exist
    3. Create standards for handling personnel matters that can be clearly and fairly applied to individual situations
    4. Ensure that relevant labor law and regulatory guidelines are honored
    5. Maintain committee membership such that non-parent input is available for balance and objectivity
    6. Maintain minutes of proceedings so that a record is available concerning the decision-making process

    JEDI Committee

    adopted July 2021

    Purpose: To ensure a JEDI lens is incorporated into Board of Trustees governance activities and functions. Research and recommend JEDI practices related to school governance.


    Responsibilities and Goals:

    1. Advise Board of Trustees Committees on incorporating JEDI into their work
    2. Recommend and coordinate ongoing JEDI related education and training for Board of Trustees
    3. Support Board of Trustees JEDI engagement with school community 
    4. Research and recommend JEDI best practices related to governance or Board of Trustees activities
    5. Coordinate JEDI activities with staff Equity Committee and administration to ensure continuity of JEDI activities across the school community at student and family, staff, administration and Board levels